Disco Turkeys tab first manager in franchise history
The Disco Turkeys are pleased to announce the recent hiring of the team’s first head coach, Kirk Cabana.
Cabana is a veteran of the summer collegiate ranks, previously serving as a head coach in the Puerto Rico Collegiate League and spending last summer as an assistant coach with the Coastal Plain League's High Point-Thomasville Hi-Toms, winners of their division and boasting one of the most talented summer collegiate rosters in the nation.
During the school year, Cabana serves as a full-time assistant at Carolina University, previously known Piedmont International University.
Cabana played football and baseball collegiately, including notably returning to college at 30 years old to pursue his baseball eligibility. He moved to the Winston-Salem area with his wife, Katie, and son, Kooper, to pursue a baseball and coaching career.
Now, Cabana says he's looking forward to play a major role in getting a summer ball team established within his own community.
“I wanted to be a part of building a top-notch summer collegiate team because I feel like Winston-Salem deserves it,” Cabana said. “I think it’s a place primed for more baseball and this was too good of an opportunity to pass up.”